《管理英语4》Unit 7 Listening and Speaking 2






(Melinda is talking with Mable, a returned overseas student about cultural differences in the workplace.)


Melinda:Ah, Mable. Welcome back to China.


Mable:So pleased to see you again. I missed you so much. You haven't changed a bit.


Melinda:Neither have you! Do tell me everything you experienced abroad, especially about cultural differences.


Mable:Great changes have taken place in companies in the U.S. and abroad because of globalization. Companies not only deal internationally on a widespread basis, but they hire workers from various backgrounds. It is very important to observe cultural differences in order to maintain employee loyalty, happiness and communication.


Melinda:What cultural differences are there?


Mable:Generally speaking, they fall into four categories: religion, nationality, region and lifestyle.


Melinda:Religious differences are important because they have great effects on company food choices, work availability and so on.


Mable:You said it. As for food choices, you can never serve food including pork to Muslims. Another thing, you are not supposed to ask someone to work on a Saturday whose religion forbids them to do so.


Melinda:What about nationality, then?


Mable:Well, every nationality has its own cultural differences that diversify your workplace. Observing these differences is crucial to the performance and loyalty of your employees.


Melinda:Can you give us an example?


Mable:Sure. For instance, some countries use a shorter work week to do the same amount of work. If your employee comes from this culture, you are not supposed to ask him or her to work 40 hours a week. Otherwise, he or she may feel this is unfair or insulting.


Melinda:Listen, I hate to break this up, but I've got to attend a meeting in fifteen minutes.


Mable:I've got to run some errands myself.


Melinda:We'll have to do this again sometime.


Mable:Yes, it's been fun.


Useful Expressions

• Express comparison or contrast

… it is more important for the company to give the creative members the chance to explore creative approaches and ideas rather than constrict and confine them.

… how do you compare their company and ours?

I would say both cultures have their own advantages.

If we are more creative while maintaining our collaborate culture, we will work wonders.

For instance, some countries use a shorter work week to do the same amount of work.

• Express changes or differences

… new ways of thinking are encouraged and new approaches to problems are accepted.

You haven't changed a bit.

Great changes have taken place in companies in the U.S.

What cultural differences are there?

… every nationality has its own cultural differences that diversify your workplace.

标签: 管理英语4


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