《管理英语4》Unit 8 Reading 1





good service


high quality

low price

pleasant environment

good management

hard work

responsible attitudes


communication with staff



Vision and Execution: Two Sides of a Successful Strategy


A strategic plan is not the end goal of the strategic planning process — it is the framework for successfully implementing a strategy. Until a strategic plan is put into effect, it has no real value. 


There are several keys to successful implementation. First, people directly involved in executing the strategy must be included in the planning process. Strategic planning is no longer a top-down directive. 

Without the input and feedback of the people responsible for executing the strategy, a seemingly solid strategy is likely to fall apart when implementation is attempted . 


The next key to successful implementation is clearly communicating the strategy to the whole company. The communication should ensure that everyone in the company understands and accepts the strategy as the best path forward, and not simply the leadership's latest idea. Without clear communication, employees lack a sense of ownership and clarity of purpose. When a strategy is not understood or embraced, it usually results in misunderstanding and uneven commitments to implementation. 


Another key to the successful execution of a strategic plan is the clear and straightforward description of the plan and its operations. Even the most brilliant strategy faces failure if it cannot be explained clearly and flourish.


Workplace Tip

Collaborative Practice Involving Employees in Innovation


  Three are many opportunities to involve others throughout the project lifecycle and in our work in general.

  1. Ask for input: What can we improve / what can be improved?

  2. Participate in analyzing the issue and developing a plan: How can we improve it?

  3. Participate in implementing the plan: give people a part to play in making improvements.

  4. Participate in tracking progress to plan and reporting on the results.

  The above information shows that innovation requires many different kinds of contributions. This gives you many different ways to engage each member of your team:

  • Identifying and assessing gaps, needs, and new ideas.

  • Bringing good process to improvement projects.

  • Lending a hand on improvement projects.

  • Questioning the status quo and playing devil's advocate(为了激发深入研讨,故意支 持反对意见).

  • Creating solutions and inventing new ways to do things.

  • Helping with execution.

标签: 管理英语4




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