《管理英语4》Unit 1 Listening and Speaking 1



Sean:Hi Alison, how did your meeting go yesterday?


Alison:Not so good actually, Sean. It was really frustrating. I had so many important points to go over, but I could hardly get a word in edgeways, John just kept talking over me all the time.


Sean:Yeah, he can be like that. It's really annoying. Who was chairing the meeting?


Alison:John chaired the meeting – that was the problem. Every time I tried to say something, he would move on to something else, especially when I was trying to give him the details.


Sean:Well, I think he can come across like that. I think what he's mainly interested in is the highlights, just the key points.


Alison:I guess you're right, but it was really important to make the others in the meeting aware of the situation.


Sean:I agree, but I think what you need to do is to go to each of the managers directly, individually, after the meeting and agree on a time to sit down with them and go over the figures with them.


Alison:I guess so. Makes you wonder what the point of these meetings is. If you can't say what you've come to say, what's the point?


Sean:I can see that, but I think you might need to change your approach somewhat. What you need to do is to keep things short and sweet, just the highlights.


Alison:True, but what he's asking me to talk about is complicated, so it's difficult to sum it up in just one or two words.


Sean:I know you like details and you're very thorough at what you do, which is really good, but with John, you've got to adjust it.


Alison:You're right. I'll try and do that next time.


Culture Note

Basic Mobile Manners in Business Meetings(商务会议中的手机使用基本礼仪)

When attending a meeting with clients, always make sure to turn off your phone before the meeting begins.

Even when attending an internal meeting, do not place your phone on the table.

●Put your phone on silent mode or set it to vibration(振动)at the weakest level.

●Your phone should remain out of sight: leave your phone in a pocket or bag.

●If you must take an urgent call during a meeting, politely excuse yourself to take the call outside of the meeting room. Keep the call short.

●The main host of all meetings shall notify the basic principles of mobile manners to the attendees(与会者).

标签: 管理英语4


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