《管理英语4》Unit 5 Reading 1





Performance Management and Performance Appraisal


Performance management aims to acknowledge the employees' achievements, support their personal and professional development, and motivate and empower them to perform their work effectively. 

Performance management helps employees to develop their understanding, knowledge and skills so that they can contribute to the achievement of the enterprise's goals and gain personal and job satisfaction. 

It is a vital part of any quality human resource system.


Every enterprise wants and should expect high performance from each employee. The elements of a competency-based performance management system will, if implemented well, enable high performance which will define enterprise and personal success. 

Using performance management processes, an enterprise can be better placed to meet competitive challenges. This is done by:


• identifying the critical positions;

• 找出核心岗位;

• determining the most important competencies for these positions;

• 确定这些岗位所需的关键能力;

• providing the education, training and feedback required by employees;

• 提供员工要求的教育、培训和反馈;

• holding each person accountable for their results.

• 使每个人各尽其责。

The key to the performance management process is “performance appraisal”. Performance appraisal is simply an evaluation of how well an employee performs his or her job compared to a set of predetermined standards. 

It is a systematic process of feedback on an employee's work performance, and agreement to future training plans, job goals and job aspirations.


To be effective, a performance appraisal needs to have a set of agreed criteria that will be the basis of feedback as well as of setting future goals. 

Units of competency provide a very effective tool for setting benchmarks or criteria for work performance. The performance criteria within units of competency can be used as measures to assess against in a performance appraisal or review.


Culture Note

History of Performance Appraisal(绩效评估的历史)

  As a distinct and formal management procedure used in the evaluation of work performance, appraisal really dates from the time of the Second World War — more than seventy years ago. Yet in a broader sense(广义上说), the practice of appraisal is a very ancient art.

  Performance appraisal systems began as simple methods of income justification(理由). That is, appraisal was used to decide whether or not the salary or wage of an individual employee was justified.

  The traditional emphasis on reward outcomes was progressively rejected. In the 1950s in the United States, the potential usefulness of appraisal as a tool for motivation and development was gradually recognized. The general model of performance appraisal, as it is known today, began from that time.

标签: 管理英语4


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