《管理英语4》Unit 1 Listening and Speaking 2



Melinda:OK Cathy, I've brought you in here to have a discussion about the drop in efficiency of the team over the last few months. How can you explain this?


Cathy:Yes, you're right – there has been a drop in productivity of late. I think there are several factors that have contributed to this.


Melinda:What do you think is the main explanation?


Cathy:Well, I think the primary contributing factor is there's been so much absence lately. As you know, I've been away quite a lot with training, and several members of the team have had quite a lot of absences too.


Melinda:Your training is very important, but I think we need to maintain an adequate level of supervision while you're away. Now that Gary has left, can you recommend anyone else who could take over a supervisory role while you're out of the office?


Cathy:I might suggest Frank. He's the most experienced member of the team.


Melinda:It might be a good way to develop him.


Cathy:I don't know whether he'd be willing to do any extra hours but I can always ask him.


Melinda:Great. What about the rest of the team? Are you able to identify the problems that have been occurring?


Cathy:Well, as you know, the problems we had with Gary caused a lot of friction amongst the team.


Melinda:Even so, he's left now, but productivity hasn't picked up that much. Can you explain that?


Cathy:Well, to be honest, I think some of the team are just going through the motions.


Melinda:OK, we'll see whether Frank is able to take on the role of team supervisor. Are you able to train him if he accepts the role?


Cathy:Yes, that's no problem at all.


Useful Expressions

Inquire about work situation(询问工作情况)

How can you explain this?

What do you think is the main explanation?

Can you recommend anyone else?

What about the rest of the team?

Are you able to identify the problems that have been occurring?

Exchange opinions(交流意见看法)

Well, I think he can come across like that.

I guess you're right.

Wish me luck.

I agree, but I think what you need to do is to go to each of the managers directly.

True, but what he's asking me to talk about is complicated

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