《管理英语4》Unit 5 Listening and Speaking 2






(Steve comes to see Fay, the company manager, for his performance results.)


Fay:Well, let's talk about your performance evaluation. You are very enthusiastic and we appreciate that, but sometimes you can be a bit over-the-top.


Steve:Over-the-top? You mean …


Fay:Well, sometimes your co-workers feel that you are too loud, or you tell inappropriate jokes during office hours.


Steve:OK … I guess I can try to tone it down.


Fay:I would recommend that you work on following through with projects. You have a lot of good ideas and you start quite a few different projects, but many times you don't follow through.


Steve:Oh, yes.


Fay:Then all these ideas are just fl oating around but nothing is really getting done.


Steve:But I'm more of an idea person. I come up with concepts and start them, but the legwork is really not my style.


Fay: Honestly Steve, you have a lot of talent, but if you don't complete tasks, then you won't get promoted.


Steve:Well, thanks for the advice. I'll try to work on that.


Fay:Again, I can't stress enough how grateful we are for all the work you do. Overall, you are a quality employee and we're glad to have you.


Steve:Thanks for saying that, Fay. I appreciate it.


Fay:Sure. Thanks for stopping by and we'll do performance evaluation again in six months.


Steve:See you then!


Useful Expressions

  • Rephrase what was said

  Over-the-top? You mean …

  I'd like to correct one thing that it is not the updated.

  I think it might be more accurate to say that you have only two days left.

  • Explain details

  Well, sometimes your co-workers feel that you are too loud, …

  It means that this major investment in retail development can finally get under way.

  What I've said is that I'm prepared to start dealing with that in a serious way.

Check it Out


  Sometimes your co-workers feel that you are too loud. 有时你的同事们认为你太吵了。

  • 间接引语并非由主语直接叙述出来,而是通过第三人转述。实际上,间接引语大都 是宾语从句,当直接引语为陈述句、疑问句、祈使句,在被转换成间接引语时,句子的结构、人称、时态、时间状语和地点状语等都要发生相应改变。例如:

  He explained, “I want to ask for a leave.” (直接引语句)

  He explained that he wanted to ask for a leave. (间接引语句)

  She asked, “Can I go with him?” (直接引语句)

  She asked if she could go with him. (间接引语句)

  He shouted, “Don't come over here!” (直接引语句)

  He asked me not to go over there. (间接引语句)

Workplace Tip

Performance or Employee Appraisals(绩效考核或员工考核)

Reviews of employee performance taken within an organization are known as performance or employee appraisals. They aim at analyzing employee performance, identifying his potential(潜能)and his weaknesses(弱点), in order to determine employee training needs. Decisions about salary revision(薪金调整)and promotion of employees are also a part of performance appraisals.

标签: 管理英语4


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