《管理英语4》Unit 2 Reading 1




Habits of Highly Effective Communicators


  It's no secret that good leaders are also good communicators. Indeed, communication and leadership are inextricably tied. How can you inspire or guide others if you don't communicate in a clear, credible and authentic way? Here are 5 essential communication practices of effective leaders:


  1. Mind the say-do gap

  1. 注意说和做之间的差距

  Trust is the bedrock of effective leadership – your behavior is your single greatest mode of communication, and it must be congruent with what you say. 

 If your actions don't align with your words, you are storing up trouble for the future. 


  2. Make the complex simple

  2. 让复杂的事情变得简单

  Effective leaders distill complex thoughts and strategies into simple, memorable terms that colleagues and customers can grasp and act upon. 

 The most important thing is to clarify what you want to say, look out for technical jargon and avoid business speak, which add complexity. Say what you mean in as few words as possible.


  3. Find your own voice

  3. 找到自己的语言

  Use language that's distinctly your own; let your values come through in your communication. Correct use of language and grammar is important, of course, but don't become overly fixated on eloquence for eloquence's sake; concentrate on being distinct and real. 

 People want real, people respect real, people follow real.


  4. Be visible

  4. 让别人看见自己

  Visibility is about letting your key stakeholders get a feel for who you are and what you care about. Don't hide behind a computer and only interact with people electronically – see them face to face and voice to voice, and interact with them in a real, substantial way. In today's environment, where people are often burned out, it's important for employees to have a personal connection with you and the work you believe in. 

 Show the people who work for you that you're engaged and you care about them and their work.


  5. Listen with your eyes as well as your ears

  5. 用你的眼睛和耳朵一起倾听

  Effective communication is a two-way process, and good leaders know how to ask good questions, and then listen with both their eyes and their ears. Because you are in a position of authority, others may be reluctant to express their real opinions to you directly. You won't always get direct feedback, so you also need to be able to read between the lines and look for the non-verbal cues. 


Check it out


Mind the say-do gap. 注意说与做之间的差距。

●本文中有多处使用了祈使语气(the imperative mood)。祈使语气可用于下列情形:


Come here quickly!


Tell your mother as soon as possible.


Close the front door before you leave.

●忠告或警告也可用否定形式表达,其结构是在动词原形前加don't 或do not。例如:

Don't be afraid of them.


Never take phone calls when you are driving.

标签: 管理英语4


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