《管理英语4》Unit 6 Writing





How to Create an Effective Action Plan?

Action plan, also called action program, refers to a sequence of steps that must be taken, or activities that must be performed well, to complete a project or an objective. An action plan should be SMART,namely, “specific”, “measurable”, “achievable / attainable”, “relevant / realistic” and “timed / time based / time bound”. It has three major elements:(1) specific tasks: what will be done and by whom; (2) time horizon: when it will be done; (3) resource allocation(分配): what specific funds are available for specific activities.

Tips to create an effective action plan:

• List all the things that will have to be done. Put them in a logical sequence. For example, what has to be done first, then what, and so on.

• Work out how long each task will take. This will enable you to work out how long the project will take.

• Starting at the end of the project and working backwards, you can decide when each activity will take place.

Susan wants to lose weight because medicals show that she is overweight. Her goal is to lose 5 kilos in 2 months. She will exercise over the next two months and keep a healthy diet at the same time. She will exercise at local gym and at home, 3 times a week for an hour, twice at the gym and once at home. She will have three healthy meals a day with no snacks in between meals.

Action Plan for Losing Weight






Time Based

What is it that you want to achieve?

Who? / What? / Why? / Where? / When?

How much? / How often? / How many?


Is it important to what you want to achieve ultimately?

By when?

Lose weight


Lose         kilos.

参考答案:5 / five




参考答案:2 / two

•          over the next two months to         because medicals show that I am overweight. • Exercise at         .


参考答案:lose weight


• Exercise         times a week for         , twice at the gym and once at home.

参考答案: local gym and at home

参考答案: an hour


参考答案: Yes



• Keep a healthy diet.

• Have          healthy meals a day.

• Have          snacks in between meals.

参考答案: 3 / three

参考答案: no




参考答案: 2 / two months

标签: 管理英语4


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