《管理英语4》Unit 4 Reading 1





How Google Continues to Keep Employees Happy


Working for Google is a dream of many, not just because of what this company has achieved in the last 15 years, but because of its enviable work culture. 

With about 37,000 employees in 40 countries, you might wonder how Google maintains a motivating work experience throughout its entire company.


Working for Google comes with perks that most other organizations can't provide — bowling alleys ,free haircuts, gym memberships, and shuttles to and from work. The company's secret to success is putting the same amount of time and effort into keeping employees happy as it does into innovating products. 


Back when the company was just a start-up , co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin had the goal of making Google a place the most talented people wanted to work at. 

Their idea was simple: creating a work culture that keeps employees happy, will motivate them to do their best, and will keep them loyal to the company.


“It's less about the aspiration to be No. 1 in the world, and more that we want our employees and future ones to love it here, because that's what's going to make us successful,” said Karen May, the Vice President of People Development at Google. 


Google also makes its employees want to work because managers provide tasks that are inspiring and challenging. Every employee at Google has the opportunity to spend 20% of his or her working time on a project they choose. 

This freedom takes employees out of their routine and away from the mundane tasks that often make workers feel uninspired about their jobs. 


Lastly, Google shows each employee just how important he or she is to the company. Each employee, regardless of his / her spot on the totem pole , has an influence on how Google performs. 


“If you value people, and care about them as whole people, one thing you do is give them a voice, and you really listen,” May said.


Google does just that by hosting employee forums every Friday, where they discuss the 20 most-asked questions. 

Employees have access to all company information, adding a sense of trust, and employees and leaders work together to solve problems. 


Check it out


“If you value people, and care about them as whole people, one thing you do is give them a voice, and you really listen,” May said. 梅说:“如果你重视员工、尊重他们的完整人格,就给他们发言的机会,并认真倾听。”

• 当我们引用别人的话语时,若引用的是原话,被引用的部分就叫作直接引语(direct speech)。直接引语通常置于引号内。例如:

Peter said, “You had better come here today.”

She asked me, “When do they have their dinner?”

Culture Note


Google began in January 1996 as a research project by Larry Page and Sergey Brin when they were both PhD students at Stanford University in Stanford, California. In 2004, Google moved to its new headquarters in Mountain View, California, nicknamed the Googleplex. In August 2015, Google announced plans to reorganize its interests as a holding company(控股公司)called Alphabet Inc. Google Products include:

★ Google Search ★ Gmail ★ Google Drive ★ Google +

★ Google Chrome ★ Google Photos ★ Hangouts

标签: 管理英语4




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