《管理英语4》Unit 4 Listening and Speaking 1






(Scott, the manager of the HR Department, is discussing staff motivation with Helen.)


Scott:Hi Helen. Take a seat. I wanted to talk to you about how we could motivate our staff in the business intelligence team.


Helen:That's also what I am concerned about.


Scott:You know, the sales teams get a bonus every three months if they hit their sales targets as their own incentives. But the business intelligence team do all this work gathering useful information on the market, and they don't have any bonuses or incentives.


Helen:You're right. They do a very good job and they definitely help the sales teams a lot with the information they provide. They're also under great pressure.


Scott:Yes. That's exactly why we need to encourage them. What do you think if we introduce something like an “employee of the month” competition?


Helen:How does it work?


Scott:Perhaps managers in the departments that work alongside business intelligence could vote on which employee has been the most helpful. What do you think?


Helen:Well, I think, if you get managers to vote on that, it might just turn into “who's the most popular”. We need to look at their actual performance — how much they have done and how well they have done it and reward them.


Scott:Yep, but how? Should they be rewarded with money like extra pay or a bonus, or should they be rewarded by being invited to special events or fun activities?


Helen:I think we could have a combination of both. There could be a pay incentive every three months depending on how well they have done their job like the sales teams. Then, they could also have special fun days out once or twice a year. What do you think?

海伦:我想我们可以结合两者。就像销售团队,根据工作表现,每三个月可能会有薪酬激励。 然后,他们也可以每年有一两次特别的娱乐活动。你怎么想?

Scott:I like that idea. Listen, Helen. How about this? You come up with an idea for the fun day out activities, and I'll look into the pay rewards. I'll need to talk to human resources about this for their agreement.




标签: 管理英语4


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