《管理英语4》Unit 3 Listening and Speaking 2




(Melinda and her team are putting their heads together for their product promotion.)


Melinda:OK, team, as you know we've recently decided to launch our product directly to the consumer. I've invited Laura from our marketing team to join us today to discuss some possible marketing strategies.


Dan:Are we getting to design this marketing strategy ourselves, or are we just implementing something that's already been decided?


Melinda:Dan — don't worry, we'll be working closely together with our corporate marketing team to devise a new campaign, but they want our input.


Dan:OK, what's the timing for the launch? My understanding is that the product launch is going to happen at the beginning of January next year?


Melinda:It is, at the moment, but that may get put back. In the meantime, we've got to decide on how we're going to market this product pre-launch directly to the consumer. Any one got any ideas?


Dan:Well, we want to get people talking about it — create some buzz out there.


Laura:What we found with our last product launch was that a well-targeted poster campaign worked best.


Melinda:It's really important to get people talking about the product without them realizing they've been advertised to. What do you think, Laura?


Laura: I totally agree. It has to look like objective reporting, not just an advert.


Dan:What are our key messages with this product?


Laura:What we were thinking of doing is really driving home the message that we're different.


Melinda:How about something like: “In a world where profits are declining, who has consistently bucked the trend?” We don't mention the name of the company just yet; we get their interest first.


Laura:It's not a bad idea and it could work, but we'd still have to put some branding in there — subtly, so that people can guess.


Useful Expressions

  • Insist on one's opinion

  I think it might be a bit hard on the eye — there are too many lights flashing and it's a bit bright.

  It has to look like objective reporting, not just an advert.

  It's really important to get people talking about the product without them realizing they've been advertised to.

  We'd still have to put some branding in there — subtly, so that people can guess.

  • Urge somebody to do something

  We've asked the stand designers we used before to come up with some designs for us.

  Police are urging anyone who saw the accident to contact them immediately.

  The news urged that all children be taught to swim.

Culture Note

Marketing Buzz(口碑营销)

Marketing buzz, a term used in viral marketing(病毒式营销或核爆式营销), is the interaction of consumers and users of a product or service which amplifies or alters the original marketing message.

Marketing buzz originally referred to oral communication but in the age of Web 2.0, social media such as Facebook and Twitter are now the dominant communication channels for marketing buzz.

标签: 管理英语4


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