

●Inquire about work situation(询问工作情况)

How can you explain this?

What do you think is the main explanation?

Can you recommend anyone else?

What about the rest of the team?

Are you able to identify the problems that have been occurring?

●Exchange opinions(交流意见看法)

Well, I think he can come across like that.

I guess you're right.

Wish me luck.

I agree, but I think what you need to do is to go to each of the managers directly.

True, but what he's asking me to talk about is complicated

●Express necessity(表达需求)

I'm going to put a proposal to the board that we need to bring Frank, Willy and Doris over here to be with us while the project is running.

You will have to report to the board every month on the progress of the project and how well you're keeping to budget.

We need to look at how we can organize ourselves better.

Have I got to apply now?

I think you must reserve a table first.

●Insist on one's opinion(坚持自己的意见)

I think it might be a bit hard on the eye — there are too many lights flashing and it's a bit bright.

It has to look like objective reporting, not just an advert.

It's really important to get people talking about the product without them realizing they've been advertised to.

We'd still have to put some branding in there — subtly, so that people can guess.

●Ask for and give permission(请求和给予许可)

I'll need to talk to human resources about this for their agreement.

… they've approved us to give the business intelligence team a pay incentive every three months.

I wonder if I could use your dictionary.

Is it all right if I do the wash-up?

Sure, go ahead.

●Rephrase what was said(阐释原话)

Over-the-top? You mean …

I'd like to correct one thing that it is not the updated.

I think it might be more accurate to say that you have only two days left.

●Emphasize on something(强调某事)

It is crucial for us to be flexible enough to change.

We must explain to the employees why this change is necessary.

The best strategies to combat this resistance are through open conversation and employee participation.


●Express comparison or contrast(进行比较或对比)

it is more important for the company to give the creative members the chance to explore creative approaches and ideas rather than constrict and confine them.

… how do you compare their company and ours?

I would say both cultures have their own advantages.

If we are more creative while maintaining our collaborate culture, we will work wonders.

For instance, some countries use a shorter work week to do the same amount of work.

●Solicit questions or answers(征求问题或答案)

Please raise your hand if you have any questions at all.

… what happens once you’re considered objectively successful …?

… first of all, thanks for a very good question.

I'd like to ask you all what the factors are that have great impact on the perspective of the corporation.


●Describe requirements or responsibilities(描述要求或责任)

As I see it, you should manage — coordinate — the project and bring together the teams needed to complete it successfully.

You should follow your father’s advice.

Is it necessary for me to clean the room?

You're supposed to put the handbrake on whenever you stop on a hill.

Students are required to undertake simple experiments.

●Use transitions and signposts(使用过渡与提示)

Now, I'm sure many of you will be keen to ask some questions, so I'd like to open up a Q and A session.

First of all, thanks for a very good question.

Now I'd like to ask you all what the factors are …

There are several keys to successful implementation. First, … Second, … Third, …


●Express changes or differences(表达变化或改变)

… new ways of thinking are encouraged and new approaches to problems are accepted.

You haven't changed a bit.

Great changes have taken place in companies in the U.S.

What cultural differences are there?

… every nationality has its own cultural differences that diversify your workplace.

●Describe a tendency or trend(描述倾向或趋势)

This will be a great change in the manufacturing process and policies.

The best strategies to combat this resistance are through open conversation and employee participation.

I'm afraid there’ll be a loss of productivity during the change.

One obvious trend is that as education extends into adult life …

●Explain details(解释详情)

Well, sometimes your co-workers feel that you are too loud, …

It means that this major investment in retail development can finally get under way.

What I've said is that I’m prepared to start dealing with that in a serious way.

●Persuade others(劝说他人)

How did you convince them?

I told them how important the work of the business intelligence team is.

Don't you think it would be better to leave right now?

It's no use trying to persuade him (that) you're innocent.

●Urge somebody to do something(督促某人做某事)

We've asked the stand designers we used before to come up with some designs for us.

Police are urging anyone who saw the accident to contact them immediately.

The news urged that all children be taught to swim.

标签: 管理英语4


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